God Is Making Us Brave

by | Aug 27, 2020 | Devotional, Do Not Fear | 0 comments


Lately, in our Zoom meetings, our Lord has been speaking the message “Stand Tall.”

Not only are these the first two words of the Songs of Zion “In the Army of the True and Living God,” but throughout scripture there are times when the Lord asks His children to be brave in Him. Brave to stand on His promises even when we may be in situations that may be uncomfortable or out of the ordinary for us.

The world’s views and voices are certainly being heard. Are our views being heard, or are the Lord’s words and views being heard and seen in our lives? In my own personal walk with the Lord, by prayer for His help and guidance and by leaning into His Word and promises, I am made braver.

Do my knees still shake in certain situations when I am put to the test? Yes, they do! However, now I am quicker to go to the Lord in prayer, and I do not stop going to the Lord until I feel His peace.

I do believe that we are given tests to prove our faith — not only to God and maybe to others, but definitely to ourselves. I believe God’s purpose in this is to build our faith. This gives us our own personal testimony. Yes, I have done what the Lord says to do, and yes, He has not let me down. By His grace — because of His grave — there lie our victories.

At one time, my natural reaction to fear and anxiety was to run to others, seeking peace and answers. Now, I first run to the only one who can bring me true peace when I pour out my heart to Him about the situation. When I do that, thank you, Lord, I find relief. Not only that, He gives me understanding in scripture, through a saint, or by a sermon or lesson.

On occasion, when I still am not getting relief or the enemy has me in an unmovable stranglehold, I am then reminded of God’s power in our anointed priesthood that I can go to. I also am reminded that speaking His Word out loud builds my faith, as I feel His presence in agreement, as He transforms my mind to be the mind of Christ Jesus.

Let us be brave. Let us be brave not in ourselves or our words but in His. For the Lord watches over His words and is quick to perform them! Blessed be His name for His words and the power by His grace that we can claim His words as our own. All because of the blood of the Lamb I can be brave!

To stand on the Rock of Jesus Christ, to stand on God’s Word, to stand on God’s promises — to stand is an action. To stand up shows confidence and attention.

When we stand at attention, as our military do, we are acknowledging the one who has called attention. We are waiting for the next command. Are we as the body of Christ standing at attention? Are we geared for battle in the full armor of God? Are we preparing for battle exercising and nourishing our faith daily?

As the body of Christ, we count on one another to do that. Yes, there are times when I may forget to put on a part of that armor, or I may trip and fall, or I may make a grave mistake, but as brothers and sisters, God wants us to be on the lookout for one another. Quick to forgive, quick to encourage, quick to pray, and quick to help in any way possible. With God’s love and guidance, together, we will be fortified as a branch, fortified as a mission, fortified as a Church. His Church. Growing to be the strong, beautiful bride He is awaiting. (1 Corinthians 16:13-14)

This article has undergone ministry review and approval.



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Further Reading

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