General Church Conference: More Than Just a Business Meeting

by | Nov 9, 2017 | Devotional | 1 comment


Every October, a meeting of the general priesthood of the Church, consisting of the elders and teachers, convenes at the World Conference Center in Greensburg, Pennsylvania. The general session is held on Friday and Saturday, with committee and quorum meetings starting as early as the prior Monday. As I write this, I’m on a plane heading there now with great anticipation. Some might wonder why I’m looking forward to a business meeting so much. But I have to tell you, this weekend is not just a business meeting.

I was ordained a teacher in May 2000 but didn’t get to attend my first October conference until a few years later since I had moved to Texas and just got married. I had a strong desire to attend and did so in the mid-2000s. I don’t remember which year it was, but what I do remember was being so richly blessed spiritually that I have made every effort to be there ever since.

Is business discussed? Absolutely. However, the Spirit of God was in our midst, and the business was taken care of quickly and efficiently. Were there some topics brought up where there were multiple opinions? Sure. But, again, the Spirit of God and unity were so great that there was no divisiveness. There have been multiple revelations of the gifts of the Spirit, and several sessions for learning more about the Word and how to better serve God’s people. Every Saturday evening event and Sunday service has been spiritually uplifting to all those in attendance. Throughout the years, there have been ordinations of apostles, and we celebrated the church’s 150th anniversary in 2012. So, it’s been way more than a business meeting every time that I have attended.

With that said, the business of running the church is of utmost importance. Christ set up a physical organization during his ministry, and we’re a part of that same entity today. It’s our responsibility as members to be good stewards of the organization and ensure that it keeps moving forward naturally. So, these types of meetings are extremely important and need our participation, not only at the General Church level but at the Region and Branch levels, too. Like General Conference, these are just as blessing filled. Branch business meetings are where we can make the most impact on an individual level and be blessed in the process. I experienced this firsthand not long ago.

When Ft. Worth held the special meeting to vote on purchasing a new building, a majority of the branch membership attended. When the votes were tallied, it was 100 to zero percent in favor of the purchase. The Spirit of unity filled the room and even the hearts of those attending remotely. Today, the new building and property are used not only for services, but for reaching out to and helping those in need.

Anytime the people of God meet to discuss His kingdom on earth, the Lord will be in the matter, and those in attendance will be blessed, even if it is to conduct business. Because It won’t be “just a business meeting.” That’s a promise.

Bio Rich

This article has undergone ministry review and approval.


  • Rich Nath

    Brother Rich lives in Katy, Texas, with wife Tracy, son Jack, and Penny the dog.

    View all posts Corporate trainer for the business aviation segment of a large corporation. Competing in triathlons, Pittsburgh sports, relaxing with family. 2 Nephi 2:25-27.

1 Comment

  1. Larry A Nuttall

    I can’t find general conference talks on my Android tablet on the Church of Jesus Christ. Org. We are not getting it to work very well on Gospel Library, so I thought I would look it up on the Church of Jesus Christ. Org, and much to my surprise, I can’t find it. If it’s there, it ought to be a lot easier to find 🙂


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