Faith Takes Flight

by | Dec 6, 2021 | Testimonies | 4 comments

Today’s Miracle Monday comes to us from Brother Anthony Scolaro.

My daughter and I were blessed to attend the October General Conference in 2021. On Sunday morning, we awoke to a text message that our connecting flight home that afternoon was canceled. (We later learned that thousands of flights had been canceled that day.) 

We quickly got ready for church, and once there I got on my computer (as instructed in the text message) to see what other flights were available. The company website showed there was nothing. 

A brother sitting next to me in the pew told me how once, while traveling for missionary work, his flight had been canceled. As he stood in line among people who were becoming impatient and irritable, the Lord impressed upon him, “Don’t say a word.” He followed the Lord’s prompting and kept completely silent and watched as the ticket agent miraculously got him on a flight.

The Sunday meeting was starting, and I needed to focus. I just prayed, “We’re here, Lord, at Your conference,” and put away my laptop. After the meeting, as we said our goodbyes at church, we asked many to pray we would get home safely. 

My daughter, who works part-time around her school schedule, had taken these three days off work and was scheduled the next morning to open the store where she worked, limiting our flexibility for travel.

We got to the airport, and instead of checking our bags, we got in the ticketing line to see what options we had to get home. The counter was very understaffed, with only two agents serving three busy lines. People were impatient and irritable. As we waited our turn, we received a text that our 3 p.m. flight out of Pittsburgh was also canceled. I related to my daughter our brother’s “Don’t say a word” experience, and felt the Spirit confirming it.

When the agent finally got to us, she only asked to see our IDs, and began typing away. We didn’t say a word. After a few minutes she said, “Is it okay to put you on two different flights? You’ll be landing in Phoenix about eight minutes apart.” 

“This evening?” I asked. “That’s fine. That’s better than we hoped!” Then she was quiet again for another minute or so, clicking around with her mouse. Next thing we knew, she handed us two boarding passes. 

“I got you both on the non-stop,” she said, “I don’t know how I did that.” 

I told her that there were a lot of people praying!

God is good; we arrived home even sooner than our original booking. I thank God for how He never fails to take care of us.

This article has undergone ministry review and approval.



  1. Joann

    Praise our God!

  2. Christina DiCenzo

    God is so very good intervening on our behalf. Reminds me of the scripture promise-“Seek first the kingdom of God & his righteousness & all things shall be given. Even non-stop flights-arriving to destination before original time.
    Now that is God!!!?????

  3. Cindy Churchill

    A wonderful experience! Praise the Lord!

  4. Brother Gary Thompson

    Amen. Praise GOD.


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Further Reading

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