Sharing the truth of the restored gospel
We are inspired and challenged by the words of Jesus Christ, “Go ye therefore and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.” (Matt. 28:19-20)
Outreach has been a key part of the restored gospel since it was established, with growth throughout the U.S. and Canada and its Native people. Over the past 75 years, the Gospel has grown internationally to establishments in over 20 countries.
Missionary Programs

Domestic Work
Growing branches and missions in the U.S.

Native Work
The divine commission of the Church to bring the restored gospel to the Indigenous People of House of Israel who live in North, Central and South America

International Work
Missionary efforts outside of North America
The U.S. Church is divided into seven regions, and the evangelists within each region are responsible for missionary outreach efforts in their part of the country, supported by the leadership of the Quorum of 70 Evangelists.
Native Work
The Church has been given a special commission to preach the Restoration of the Gospel to the native people of the Americas, who we understand to be descendants of the Tribe of Joseph, one of the 12 tribes of Israel, as chronicled in The Bible and The Book of Mormon.
In The Book of Mormon, the descendants of Joseph are often referenced as “The Seed of Joseph,” or “The House of Joseph,” and we believe they have been scattered throughout the Americas, the isles of the sea, and to unknown locations throughout the world. Therefore, all of our missionary programs incorporate this special commission.
The Church believes the tribe of Joseph journeyed to the Americas 600 years before Christ. These indigenous peoples, discovered by European explorers, came to be known as Native Americans.
The Church believes, as prophesied in scripture, that Israel will one day accept Jesus Christ as the Messiah and Savior of the world. We call this the “Restoration of Israel,” and we believe that the restoration will begin with the Native people of this promised land. Missionary work among the Native Americans is a high priority and special focus of our outreach.
Our Goal: Take the restored gospel to every indigenous tribe in North, Central, and South America.
In the 1800s, the Church began to preach the restored gospel to the Native people of the U.S. and Canada. Missions were established on two reserves in Canada in 1932. Subsequently, Native American missions were established in Arizona in 1961 and in New Mexico in 1971. The Church actively works with Native Americans in urban areas as well as those on reservations. Efforts in Oklahoma, South Dakota, Montana, and Washington continue to reach Native people who are receptive to the gospel message.
Muncey, Six Nations, and Saugeen Canada
Ministry of the Great Lakes Region of the Church has served Muncey and Six Nations reservations for nearly a century. Many natives have accepted the Gospel of Jesus Christ through baptism and commitment to serve the Lord. Our domestic ministers and evangelists travel from various parts of the U.S. to hold weekly and monthly services, continuing to teach Christ’s principles, ordaining officers to lead the organization in those areas, and bringing many to the knowledge of Jesus.
San Carlos and Lakeside, Arizona
San Carlos and Lakeside, Arizona, are established missions that service the Apache tribes, welcoming natives into the gospel and supporting their spiritual and temporal needs. Vacation Bible Schools reach hundreds of Apache children, teaching them of Jesus Christ and connecting families to the Church.
Tse Bonito, New Mexico
The Tse Bonito mission services the Navajo Nation in both Tse Bonito, New Mexico, and Window Rock, Arizona, and surrounding areas. Ministers have led efforts for more than 40 years to integrate with the Navajo people, working within schools and communities to establish valuable relationships and friendships that continue to be supported today. The Navajo people are receptive to the restored gospel and are learning more every day about their role as a covenant people of the Lord.
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Nigeria, Ghana, Kenya, Malawi, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Rwanda, Burundi, Zambia, Liberia, and Tanzania
The first missionary trip to Africa was in 1954 when the Church was established in Nigeria. Subsequently, the Church was established in Ghana, Kenya, Malawi, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Rwanda, Burundi, Zambia and Tanzania. We’ve made contacts in many other countries throughout Africa.
The Church began in Ghana in the early 1970s when a man named Ford Boadu began corresponding with the U.S. Church. Missionaries traveled to meet him, and after sharing the gospel in depth, they baptized Brother Ford along with other followers and established a mission. Today, there six locations with four physical church buildings in Ghana.
The work in Kenya continues to thrive. Established in the 1980s, Kenya is home to five nursery schools and a polytechnic school that serve many children. Most school teachers are sisters of the Church. We have more than 10 mission locations with mud-hut church buildings in the villages of western Kenya.
The Church in Malawi began in March 2003 when the first U.S. missionaries received an invitation to visit, and two brothers were baptized. The work has grown significantly with over 6,000 baptized members in over 100 mission locations. Malawi is considered “The Warm Heart of Africa,” which is evidenced by the love that our brothers and sisters demonstrate.
In the early 1950s, U.S. missionaries went to Nigeria to share the gospel. The work flourished with thousands of members being baptized into the kingdom of God. There are more than 76 branch locations throughout eight districts. Two U.S. missionary families dedicated their lives to the work, moving to Nigeria and servicing the brothers and sisters for a span of six years.
Burundi has five Church buildings with a membership of 160 saints and many repeat visitors. Burundi is a landlocked country in the Great Rift Valley where the African Great Lakes Region and East Africa meet. The spoken languages there are Kirundi, French, and English.
India, Nepal, Philippines
In 1981, the first missionaries went to India, and the Church was established there. The Church was subsequently established in the Philippines and Nepal. There have also been contacts made in Japan and China.
This established work began in 1981 with a connection made between Dr. Livingston and Apostle Joseph Calabrese. The Gospel was brought to Tadepalligudem, and now more than 1,000 members serve the Lord Jesus Christ inside villages and on covered porches throughout the Indian state of Andhra Pradesh.
The work in the Philippines started in the late 1990s. The late Apostle Paul D’Amico had an experience many years ago that we would be traveling to and establishing a church in the Philippines. The current membership is approximately 350 saints encompassing eight missions on two islands. Our dedicated brothers and sisters have a wonderful love for the Lord and share that with their beautiful children.
The Church was established in Italy in 1947. Contacts have been made in Russia, England, Germany and Romania.
Brothers and sisters have received the gospel in Italy. In the areas of Calabria and Sardinia, we have members that hold fast to the teachings of Jesus Christ. The work began in the 1950s, and many humanitarian efforts have been made throughout the years.
Central America
Dominica, Guatemala, Mexico
The Church was established in Mexico in 1959. Since that time, missions have been established in Guatemala and on the island of Dominica. Contacts have also been made in many other countries throughout the Caribbean and Central America.
The missionary efforts on the Caribbean island of Dominica began in 1995. The first trip took them to the Kalinago territory where God led them to their first member. A waitress who served our brother in a local restaurant received the good news of the gospel and, to this day, serves as a faithful member and deaconess. In 2017, hurricanes moved through the region, the last of which was devastating to the island and its people. Amazingly, our church served as a hurricane shelter during these storms and preserved many lives.
The Church in Guatemala was established over 30 years ago. We have one location in Guatemala City and another in San Mateo. Our members work both in the city and in agricultural areas. We currently have a weekly radio broadcast to reach the interior parts of this blessed nation. The saints in Guatemala are full of love and joy in serving our Savior.
The work in Mexico has continued to flourish, with hundreds of members actively participating in the Church. With headquarters in Tijuana, there are several congregations through the country with ordained leadership to conduct services and lead many to the knowledge of Christ. Brother Eddie and Sister Evelyn Perdue were the pioneers of the work, and their efforts have produced lasting results and precious memories to all who knew and loved them.
South America
Colombia, Peru, Venezuela, Ecuador
The Church was established in Peru in 1995. Subsequently, the Church was established in Colombia, Venezuela and Ecuador. There are also contacts in Bolivia, Argentina and Chile.
This work was established in the northern tip of South America in the 1990s. We have two ordained ministers attending to the needs of the saints located in three separate areas of the country. The saints are excited to be part of the restored gospel and have taken to heart their place as children of God, and members of the covenant He made with Abraham.
The work in Peru was established in 1995. A sister had a dream where the Church was calling upon the Lord to save people from heathen worship. She pulled out a map and the word “PERU” was written on it. Our missionaries established the work in Lima, and the brothers and sisters there have been faithful in serving the Lord.
The Church has labored in Venezuela since the 1990s. Current political turmoil has made our efforts quite difficult, preventing travel from outside the country. Please pray for the great difficulties that the Venezuelan people face every day, including scarcity of food and medicine.
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