Strength in Sisterhood
A circle of support for women
The General Ladies’ Uplift Circle (GLUC) is the Church’s worldwide women’s ministry.
Our goal is to help women deepen their faith through teaching and service. We also support missionary work around the world through fundraising.

Local Ladies’ Circles are small groups that meet regularly in branches and missions through the U.S., Canada, Mexico, India, and Africa.
Founded in 1920, the GLUC began with just a handful of faithful women led by Sister Sadie Cadman. Their sincere goal was to uplift the Church and collect what money they could for missionaries.
Now, more than 100 years later, the GLUC has produced a wealth of spiritual fruit in women across the globe, and it’s the backbone of Church fundraising.

Sister Sadie Cadman
GLUC Founder
Goals of the General Ladies’ Uplift Circle
Rich Relationship
Serve One Another
Provide women with opportunities for meaningful service, tending to the needs in their local congregations via prayer and lending a helping hand.
Support Our Missionaries
GLUC Events
Annual Conferences
All are invited to Greensburg, PA, every April and October to manage GLUC business affairs.
Fellowship Weekend
Spirit-filled women’s retreat held in a different U.S. city every three years.
We pledge ourselves to read and search the scriptures and ask God to direct and bless our Ladies Uplift Circle in all its ways. We will do our duty in visiting the sick. We will neither find fault nor offend in word or deed but be a help to each other and help others to the best of our ability.
Connect With Us
Local Ladies’ Circle
Search for a local Ladies Circle women’s group near you.
Little Ladies’ Circle
Mentorship for girls ages 5–12 years.
Have a question about the GLUC?
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