Calling All Women: Be an Esther

by | Jan 28, 2019 | Devotional | 1 comment


Today’s article was originally published by the Student Support Program in June 2014. Read the unabridged version here, where Sister Christine Martorana summarizes the story of Queen Esther and helps women apply principles from her story to their own lives.

“I’m a woman and I don’t know what I’m supposed to do in the Church. Women aren’t allowed to do as much as men; what is there for me to do?” I’ve heard this from women and girls in Church, and, to be honest, I’ve said these same words myself. The response? We can be Esthers.

Do you believe me when I say we can be Esthers? Being an Esther means…

Identifying Where God Might Use You

Look at your current life circumstances. Have you been through a trial or experience that you might use to encourage someone else?

Acting Courageously

Can you testify boldly on Sunday about God’s presence in your life? Can you make a CD of encouraging music for someone you know needs uplifting? Can you give someone an unsolicited hug? Remember, courageous acts are not necessarily loud or in front of large groups of people.


Esther didn’t have to go before the King. She chose to do this. She chose it even though it was scary and uncertain. You don’t have to be ordained to do God’s work; you can volunteer to help out around the church building, teach a Sunday school class, visit an elderly member of your branch, or write an article for The Gospel News or Gospel Blog. It’s OK to feel nervous about volunteering; I’m sure Esther did.

Preparing Yourself

Once Esther decided to act, she knew she needed to prepare herself by fasting, praying, and asking those around her to do the same. We are no different; we need to prepare ourselves for the work God has for us, whether this work is in an ordained position or not.

Drawing Strength from Your Identity

Esther’s identity as a Jewish woman, although something she initially felt she needed to hide, ultimately allowed her to save her people. What are your identities and how can you see them as a strength that God has given you to be used for His purpose?

Standing up for Those Without a Voice

Esther’s people were at the King’s mercy, and she was the one in the position to make a difference for them. Is there a person at school, at work, or in your home who could benefit from your voice? From your perspective? From your position?

As we strive to be Esthers in our daily lives, remember that God has a work for each one of us to do. He’s already prepared the way. All He asks is that we be willing.

This article has undergone ministry review and approval.


1 Comment

  1. Angela Michelle Wright

    Amen and Amen. Thanks for sharing Sis. Christine.


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Further Reading

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