When somebody becomes a medical doctor, they take an oath (usually referred to as the Hippocratic Oath) in which they agree to maintain a certain level of ethics as they perform...

When somebody becomes a medical doctor, they take an oath (usually referred to as the Hippocratic Oath) in which they agree to maintain a certain level of ethics as they perform...
As Jesus continues to prepare His twelve Apostles for the mission He is sending them on, He gives them some unusual instructions regarding lodging in each city that they will...
Realizing that His work in His hometown of Nazareth is very limited due to the unbelief of the people there, Jesus departs that town and goes into other cities and villages,...
Jesus has returned to His hometown of Nazareth and is teaching in the synagogue on the Sabbath day, expounding on some scripture and also describing some of the miracles that He...
Part 1 of this article began with the miraculous healing of the woman with the issue of blood (see Mark 5, Luke 8, Matthew 9). Doctors were unable to heal the woman, but when she...
I’m not a woman, so I haven’t had to go through this myself but, having a wife and three daughters, I’m familiar with the physical issue that a younger woman has to deal with for...
After casting out the devils from the man in the Gadarenes, Jesus sails back across the Sea of Galilee, arriving back in Capernaum where He is greeted by a large group of people....
Jesus and His disciples had already been through one ordeal that day. While sailing across the Sea of Galilee, their ship ran into a great tempest and Jesus had to miraculously...
If you or your children grew up watching Sesame Street, you’re probably familiar with a little song called “One of These is Not Like the Others.” While the song is sung, the...
I heard the following story about 20 years ago. It may or may not be true, but it provides a good intro for this article. In the late 1990s, the most popular play on Broadway was...