Brother Jerry Valenti

Articles by Brother Jerry Valenti

We’re Number 1! We’re Number 1!

We’re Number 1! We’re Number 1! If you go to a sporting event, you might see some fans holding up a large foam hand with the index finger raised, as they shout, “We’re Number 1!...

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Fasting & Prayer

Fasting & Prayer

A man whose son was possessed by an evil spirit had gone to some of the disciples of Jesus for help, but they were unable to cast out the evil spirit. Then, Jesus arrived and...

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You’re a Miracle!

You’re a Miracle!

MIRACLE (definition) An event that is contrary to the established laws of nature and attributed to a supernatural cause (God) An amazing or wonderful event A person or thing that...

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Second to God

Second to God

“Do you really love me?” my father would ask. With a smile, my mother would nod.  I felt warm inside when mother replied, “Don’t you know, you come second to God”* If you...

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The Fear of God

The Fear of God

As Jesus continues to prepare His Apostles to go on their mission of spreading the gospel, He addresses any fear they may have that people they come in contact with may seek to...

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