In the terms of the digital world we live in, the Lord God has an infinite storage capacity for data and a surveillance system that records 24/7 our thoughts, words, choices,...

In the terms of the digital world we live in, the Lord God has an infinite storage capacity for data and a surveillance system that records 24/7 our thoughts, words, choices,...
We are accustomed to the blessing of three meals a day and a variety of food that satisfies our palette. Our grocery stores are filled with abundance, and God continues His...
Within the Book of Mormon, Alma, the son of Alma, had three sons: Helaman, Shiblon, and Corianton. Alma’s sons were all ministers, and Corianton was the youngest. Alma set...
For those who have received the call to be baptized, it is an unforgettable experience. The call is a struggle of personal remorse and guilt for past sins with an overwhelming...
Is it an obligation? Is it an opportunity? Is it a compulsion? Is it a duty? Is it a habit? Is it a burden? Is it a plea? Is it a joy? To commune with the Lord, we need to pray....