And It Came to Pass: The Answer

by | Dec 16, 2022 | Life of Jesus | 0 comments

“And It Came to Pass”

A few weeks ago, we explored “The Question,” and now we’re going to delve into “The Answer.” In a few weeks, you’ll read Part 3 in this series, “The Reality.”

The Three Nephites, as we commonly refer to them, were part of Jesus’s twelve disciples on this land of America that He chose to lead the church. Here is what Jesus told them because of their desire.

And ye shall never endure the pains of death; but when I shall come in my glory ye shall be changed in the twinkling of an eye from mortality to immortality; and then shall ye be blessed in the kingdom of my Father. And again, ye shall not have pain while ye shall dwell in the flesh, neither sorrow save it be for the sins of the world; and all this will I do because of the thing which ye have desired of me, for ye have desired that ye might bring the souls of men unto me, while the world shall stand.” (3 Nephi 28:8-9)

It was not their desire to live in flesh but to see the salvation of Jesus brought to as many people as possible. The additional blessing is that they would not taste of death but see Jesus working with people until He comes again. Then Jesus said that for this cause they would have fullness of joy (3 Nephi 28:10).

Think back on every baptism you’ve attended, including your own, and how happy you were—how happy you were for those people you saw giving their lives to Christ. I have seen tears and smiles at all of the baptisms I have ever witnessed. I can only imagine how many baptisms they have witnessed.

Then Jesus touched the disciples except these three. Scripture tells us that the heavens opened up and they were caught into heaven. This desire and answer allowed them to feel what it would be like to be in heaven. They heard unspeakable things but were not allowed to utter them.

According to the Book of Mormon, they did go forth preaching and baptizing. They could not be stopped. They were cast into prison, and prisons could not hold them (sounds like Paul and Silas to me). They were cast into the earth, and the earth could not hold them. Three times they were cast into a furnace and received no harm (sounds like Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego to me). Twice they were cast into a den of wild beasts and received no harm (sounds like Daniel to me). The people of their generation and the generations to come were blessed because of these disciples for the next 300 years.

After 365 years, Mormon and Moroni said, we have seen them and they have ministered unto us. Part 3 of this story, The Reality, will be discussed in the next blog.

Let’s finish this one.

A change was wrought on their bodies so they would not taste of death. Satan had no power over them. They were sanctified in the flesh (that’s a topic for another blog, and another time). Their names were not revealed, although there have been experiences to possibly answer this question. They will be seen among the Gentiles. They will be seen among the Jews. They know where the scattered tribes are, and many people and nations will experience them. HAVE YOU? There have been many experiences regarding the Three Nephites and I will share mine in The Reality.

“And it came to pass.” We are getting there…

God Bless.

This article has undergone ministry review and approval.



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Further Reading

Finding Lost Coins

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How God Views the Human Family

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