A New Suit for a New Life

by | Oct 21, 2022 | Testimonies | 1 comment

Here is a comforting experience concerning the passing of Brother Alvin (Skip) Swanson from Cape Coral, Florida.

“On Christmas Eve 2021, my brother, Elder Alvin Swanson, was taken by ambulance to the hospital, seriously ill with the COVID virus, and he passed away from complications, on Friday, January 7, 2022, at the age of 87.

The following week, Sister Kathy Kirschenpfad (Hollywood, FL), sent me a dream which she had in November 2021 (before Brother Skip even became ill). In her dream, Sister Kathy and her mother, Sister Viola Catone, saw a very young Sister Bonnie Miller, with her big contagious smile, along with Sister Viola Swanson (Brother Skip’s mother), also with a big smile and looking very happy, sitting in the front pew in church. Seated with them was Brother Skip, next to a new gray suit, which was laid out for him, along with a new shirt and tie.”

Bear in mind that Sister Kathy had this dream more than a month before Brother Skip even became ill and about six weeks before his passing. Note also that both Sister Bonnie and Sister Viola, who appeared with Brother Skip in the dream, had already gone onto their heavenly reward.

Brother Joseph Catone, Jr. interpreted this dream as Brother Skip being prepared to be received into Paradise; that Sister Kathy and her mother represented the church that has endured and sustained the true Gospel of Salvation, that gives hope to all who are faithful to the end.

Submitted in loving memory to my brother,

Sister Leda (Swanson) Sheffler

This article has undergone ministry review and approval.


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  1. Lesson plans

    thank you for updating us about “A New Suit for a New Life”.


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