A Holy Donation

by | Jan 11, 2024 | Answered Prayer, God Provides | 1 comment

Today’s story comes from the pages of the Detroit Branch 1 history.

This is an experience given to Brother Antonio Molisani in the early 1920s when the saints of Detroit worked together to construct a church building on Hall and Devine Streets. 

None of us were financially comfortable. In fact, most of us were either on welfare or out of work, and we all had big families. But somehow the money came in as we were building our church. 

When it was time to buy the windows, each member was asked to contribute $10. I was out of work at that time. One day, as I was walking home from Brother Ishmael D’Amico’s home, I had to pass by our new building. I raised my eyes toward heaven and talked to God. I told him that, though I wanted to, I didn’t know when I would be able to give the Church my $10 share for the windows. 

No sooner had I said those words that I looked on the ground and there was $10! 

I immediately looked up and thanked God — HE had provided.

How did God miraculously provide for you?

Did today’s story remind you of a story in your own life? We’d love to hear about it and share it on the blog. Email your testimony to gospelblog@thechurchofjesuschrist.org. 

This article has undergone ministry review and approval.


1 Comment

  1. anonymous

    “Did today’s story remind you of a story in your own life?”


    Circa 1971-1972, I found one $20 bill on the carpet of my dorm’s reading-study lounge. It was used for something that was very much needed at that time. Thanks be to God!


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Further Reading

A Barren Woman Who Prayed

This is the fourth article in the series, Praying Women in the Scriptures. So far, the following women who prayed either explicitly or implicitly have been discussed: Mothers of stripling warriors Anna the prophetess The woman with the issue of blood Another...

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