Where is happiness found?

Is it found in a spouse? Our children? Family and friends? A job?

We can only find TRUE happiness within the Lord. We won’t find TRUE happiness with anyone or anything else, unless we realize they are the blessings that God gives us when we seek happiness with Him.

That’s where true happiness is found.

When we feel a void in life, or human emotions start to filter in, and we feel lonely or sad, that void can’t be filled with the world. We shouldn’t try to seek happiness from family, because they can’t fill that void. That kind of happiness will be short-lived because He wants us to find it with HIM first.

Seek Him first. Pray without ceasing. Fill your heart and mind with His Word. Talk to Him daily. Sing songs of worship. Do a Bible study. Read the Songs of Zion. Saturate yourself and family in prayer. Tell others about Him and what He’s done in your life.

He will not only bless you with joy and happiness, but every time you see your spouse, children, family, friends, church family, and work family, you will be reminded of the many blessings He has blessed you with.

Fill your cup with Him, and He will fill it with happiness.

“Delight thyself also in the Lord; and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart.” (Psalm 37:4)

This article has undergone ministry review and approval.


  • Sister Colleen Moore

    Sister Colleen Moore lives in the beautiful Ohio countryside with husband Jake and three children.

    View all posts Wife, mother, and homeschool mama. Selling makeup, reading, cooking and fitness. Psalm 91.


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Further Reading

Lovest Thou Me More Than These?

My attendance at the Gathering of Tribal Nations Conference in Green Bay had had a great impact on me. Throughout those three days I was powerfully reminded of why I had left my home as a young man in 1973 to move to the Navajo Reservation; and a great desire to...

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