While many of us have a favorite hymn from the beautifully inspired hymns of praise that have touched our hearts and brought tears to our eyes, The Songs of Zion are unique to our Church. They are songs that belong to a new time; they belong to a new era; they belong to our people. They are songs sent from the throne of God as a gift to The Church of Jesus Christ. They are inspirational and related to Christ and His promises of the latter-day times and events. This gift was given to our late Sister Arlene Buffington, as our songs of hope and joy, looking forward to the fulfillment of the kingdom of Zion, bathed in the latter-day glory of the restoration.
Today I’d like to look at No. 131, “God Sent Manna.” We’ll look at the meaning and application of the song, because it’s too easy to sing without paying attention to the words and their meaning.
God sent manna down from heaven to His children long ago,
To sustain them on their journey to the promised land and so;
Still today He’s sending manna in His word and in His song,
Fill your basket with this manna, you’ll be singing all day long.
God sends manna down from heaven as we journey on today,
Take your basket up and fill it with these melodies and say;
“We will praise the Lord forever, He has nourished, He has fed,
As we journey to the promise of a better land ahead.”
God sends manna down from heaven, lift your basket to the sky,
Catch the blessings like the raindrops that are falling from on high;
When you hear the pretty music, hold the notes close to your breast,
For ‘tis very precious manna that will make your journey blest.
©2005 Arlene Lea Buffington
This song offers an interesting parallel to consider:
We understand that God provided manna to the children of Israel: “And had rained down manna upon them to eat… “ Psalm 78:24.
God fed the Israelites with manna for forty years as they left Egypt seeking the Promised Land of Canaan. Scripture describes the manna as “bread from heaven” and “the food of angels,” but when the Israelites first saw this “bread from heaven,” they called it “manna,” which is derived from the phrase “what is it?”
They didn’t quite understand what it was. They had never seen anything like it, but they said it was white like coriander seed, and it tasted like wafers made with honey. This manna sustained them throughout the years as they wandered in the wilderness, seeking a land of milk and honey.
We also read that when they finally arrived and Joshua led them across the Jordan River, the manna stopped, and they were no longer fed by God but enjoyed the bounty of the Promised Land.
This is beautifully summarized in the Book of Mosiah 7:19: “Therefore, lift up your heads, and rejoice, and put your trust in God, in that God who was the God of Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob; and also, that God who brought the children of Israel out of the land of Egypt, and caused that they should walk through the Red Sea on dry ground, and fed them with manna that they might not perish in the wilderness; and many more things did he do for them.”
So, while we understand the scripture surrounding how manna fed God’s people and sustained them naturally as they traveled through the desert to the Promised Land…
- Might it be possible that, like the children of Israel, we too, have been bound and enslaved to a world that increasingly offends our God?
- Might it be possible that the Songs of Zion were given to the Church to help keep the hope and joy of Zion alive in our hearts?
- Might it be possible that a little over forty years ago, the Songs of Zion weren’t at first fully understood, and many didn’t know what to call them?
- Might it be possible that once the Church began to appreciate this gift of God, given to the Church, that the Songs of Zion became spiritual food of praise and blessings?
- Might it be possible that the Songs of Zion are intended to help us survive the wilderness as we prepare to enter into Zion?
While the Songs of Zion are not exactly manna, we can see parallels in God’s ways of helping his people through difficult times, and as we prepare for the fulfillment of the latter-day promises, I’m reminded of a revelation accepted by the General Church Priesthood in 2013. An excerpt from that revelation states:
“Thus saith the Lord: Know this day that My plans are in motion. Know this day that I have created all! Know this day that My creation will know that I am God! Know this day that I will instruct My believers! Know this day that they will be given messages; that they will be given songs; that they will be given dreams and visions; ways that I may speak unto them. And it is up to them to choose to believe! For I force Myself on no one. I gave of My Son willingly! I was forced of no one to give Him! And yet I did, I did because My love was this great!”
We pray that “when you hear the pretty music, hold the notes close to your breast, For ‘tis very precious manna that will make your journey blest.”
May God bless you
And, if you’re interested in learning more about the Songs of Zion or just listening to the songs, here’s a link to the Songs of Zion website: https://thesongsofzion.com/
This article has undergone ministry review and approval.
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