Do you need a new fridge?

by | Jan 9, 2024 | Answered Prayer | 0 comments

Written by Sister Denise DiFalco-Dickson

My spouse and I had used all of our finances to buy our first home, a place we needed with a newborn. Everything fell into place and all the doors had opened for us to obtain it, so we were sure that the Lord was in the matter. 

A few months after we had moved in, I noticed that the refrigerator was on the blink. My daughter’s formula was spoiling, and we were not in a position to afford a new appliance at that time. 

I remember immediately going to the living room and kneeling down in prayer. I told the Lord that I did not want to burden my husband with a request for something new … but we had to have a refrigerator. I remember saying, “Lord, if it was your will for us to have this home, then please provide for our needs now.” Tears were streaming down my face, because I had no idea how this problem would be resolved. 

No sooner did I get up off of my knees than the telephone rang. 

It was my mother calling me from work. She knew nothing of my refrigerator problem. My mom told me that the woman she worked for had decided to buy a new refrigerator and the one she currently had was only a few years old. She didn’t want to throw it away, so she asked my mom if there was anyone that she knew that could use it.

I cried aloud and praised God and then related the situation we were having with our refrigerator and the prayer I had just said. 

The Lord answered me instantly. 

My mother and I both witnessed the amazing power of God that day, and I try to relate this to others whenever they are experiencing difficult times. The Lord knows what we need even before we ask him.

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This article has undergone ministry review and approval.



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Further Reading

A Barren Woman Who Prayed

This is the fourth article in the series, Praying Women in the Scriptures. So far, the following women who prayed either explicitly or implicitly have been discussed: Mothers of stripling warriors Anna the prophetess The woman with the issue of blood Another...

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