I love singing and listening to the songs we have in our church. They are all so beautiful in their own special ways. For me, many have sweet memories attached to them. Some remind me of growing up at the old Branch 3. Some remind me of being at campouts as a kid, and many stir up memories of when God touched my heart. These songs are all so precious and dear to me.

I also enjoy listening to Christian songs on the radio. There is one right now that I find so powerful called “Fear Is a Liar” by Zach Williams. The words give me chills. I want to share the chorus with you today:

“Fear, he is a liar
He will take your breath
Stop you in your steps
Fear, he is a liar
He will rob your rest
Steal your happiness
Cast your fear in the fire
‘Cause fear he is a liar

Listen to the whole thing here.

Wow. Such powerful words. Such a powerful message. I wanted to share this song with you today because fear IS a liar. Today, we can watch the news and everything around us changing, and we can easily feel fearful.

All things feared come from the liar (satan). He is the father of all lies. He wants us to feel scared, fearful, hopeless, unworthy, unloved — he wants us all to himself. He wants to steal our happiness and the joy we find in the Lord. He wants to whisper doubt and fear into our ears.

He’s not going to win. We have the power because we serve an amazing God! We will cast our fear in the fire because fear is a liar!

“For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.” (2 Timothy 1:7)

Bio Colleen

This article has undergone ministry review and approval.


  • Sister Colleen Moore

    Sister Colleen Moore lives in the beautiful Ohio countryside with husband Jake and three children.

    View all posts Wife, mother, and homeschool mama. Selling makeup, reading, cooking and fitness. Psalm 91.


  1. Joann Cotellesse

    A wonderful message that I needed today.

  2. Tami Jardine

    Such a great article! I am a day behind in reading my devotionals, so as I sit here reading this one I have Christian music playing on my TV in the background. Half way into this article, THIS SONG comes on the station. No, not a coincidence…A message for me!
    Thank God He knows what I need and when!

  3. Michelle Watson

    WOW, Sister Tami! That’s beautiful. Colleen – People have told me such wonderful things about this article over the past few days. Praise God.

  4. Teri-Lyn Tunno

    Loved this blog!! Such a beautiful song – had me crying… A message I needed to hear. Thank you!


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Further Reading

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