It’s What We Do

by | Aug 5, 2022 | Showing Our Love | 0 comments

I wrote most of this article while my husband, Brother Greg, and I were in the car driving to a court hearing with a native friend in hopes that God will work a miracle and set him free. It’s just what we do for our “Ponca family.” 

Last year, we moved to Ponca City, Oklahoma, based on doors that the Lord opened for us. 

Introduced by Ponca Tribe members, we have had numerous opportunities to minister to those in need of comfort, teach those in need of how God works in our lives, feed those in need of sustenance—both natural and spiritual—and help those in need of daily care (being a driver, babysitter, and after-school dropoff).

Between these activities, I admit, I get lonely. I miss my branch brothers and sisters and church services. I also miss the bigger city with its conveniences and choices (the Ponca City population is 23,940, and Oklahoma City and Tulsa are 100-plus miles away). At times, I kind of feel like a stranger in a strange land—we’ve only been here less than a year so I know this will pass (thank God).

However, when we attend a church service on the reservation (and Brother Greg is asked to say a few words or pray) or we are invited to eat with our friends at a campsite, or I look on Facebook and see a post by one of my friends here singing in the Ponca language, or I get to hug a little native child and am asked to take care of them for the day, I am BLESSED.

Everyone who knows us knows we believe in The Book of Mormon and that we want to share its promises with them. Will we convince anyone that they are of the House of Israel? 

That’s not our job. That’s God’s job. Our job is to be loving, caring nursing mothers and fathers. Be examples of Christ’s love. That’s what we are trying to do with God’s help and direction. There are so many ways to love God’s chosen people. It’s what we do!

Postscript: I am pleased to report that God did work a miracle in the court hearing.

This article has undergone ministry review and approval.



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Further Reading

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