Comfort Through Song

by | Aug 14, 2018 | Devotional | 1 comment


We all go through tough times. None of us are immune to them. In the moments I feel weak or uncertain about what’s to come, I turn to God for comfort. I want to know He is there, that He’s listening, and He has a plan. God most often speaks to me through song, so I put together a list of 10 hymns that give me comfort when life gets hard.

10. My Lord Can

I love the many examples this song provides of what God can do. We often find ourselves with problems to which we can’t fathom a solution, but God can. He can do the impossible.

9. I, Who Am Nothing

God chose me. Out of billions in this world, He chose stubborn, underserving me and ushered me in.

8. In the Garden

“He walks with me and He talks with me, and He tells me I am His own…” It is so comforting to know God walks with us every minute of every day. Even if we don’t feel Him, He’s there.

7. Because He Lives

The future is often unclear, and this song reminds me that I can handle whatever comes my way because I serve a living God.

6. It Is Well

Not only are the words to this song comforting, but the music and harmony warm my soul. Growing up, I always looked forward to singing it at conferences and campouts and still do. It’s a song you feel as you sing.

5. He Did It All for Me

God loves me so much that He died for me. It’s something I hear all the time, but that fact is hard to grasp. This song reminds me of His ultimate sacrifice — “He took my place, He did it all for me.”

4. He Has Sent My Spirit Peace

The words to this song are reminders of God’s promises to us. My favorite line is in the third verse, “And tho all else may fail, I know His word will stand beside me.” It is extremely comforting to be able to lean on God’s word knowing it will never fail me.

3. I Surrender All

We often associate this song with baptism, and rightfully so. But it also reminds me that I can surrender my burdens to God anytime. Being baptized doesn’t guarantee a burden-free life, and God is always right there willing to make our load lighter. All we have to do is give it to Him.

2. Sheltered in the Arms of God

To me, this song is God’s version of a big bear hug — cozy, warm, safe. It’s a reminder that, whatever life throws at me, God’s protective arms are unwavering.

1. Blessed Assurance

What a sweet assurance is it to know that Jesus is mine. What more could I need?

The next time you find yourself in a tough spot, take a minute to reflect on these songs. Have a mini singspiration in your living room! The messages they carry have brought me through many trials, and I know they can do the same for you.

Bio Mallory

This article has undergone ministry review and approval.


1 Comment

  1. Sister Terry Snyder

    Thank you….beautiful…we don’t have to be sitting in church to get the hymn and sing them, read them, wherever we are…thanks for the inspiration…


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